Tyler Brett, Fantasy Sheds Of Sointula, 4 Volumes combining photography and AI generated imagery to portray vernacular architectural fantasies and realities situated within artificial and existent Sointulan landscapes. 

Sointula is a fishing village located in the Pacific Northwest of Canada on Malcolm Island between northern Vancouver Island and the BC mainland in the unceded Kwakwaka’wakw territories of the ’Namgis, Mamalilikala and Kwagu’Ł Nations. Its place name in Kwak'wala is Tłatłaskudis, which means "seaward opposite beaches". The remote village of Sointula was founded in 1901 by a small group of Finnish socialist utopian settlers led by the political philosopher and journalist Matti Kurikka, who gave it the name Sointula, meaning "place of the chord" or "place of harmony". After the formal utopian organization dissolved in 1905, and it's leader and many followers moved on, a few remaining Finnish families stayed to continue farming, logging, fishing and boat building, leading to the community and remaining sheds that exist today.

29 pp (including table of contents and 17 shed portraits)
5.5 x 5.5 inches

VOL 1 (first edition of 30) produced in collaboration with TRAPP Projects, Vancouver.

Sointula, 2024

Every Public Building & Some People in Bruno SK circa 2011 is a self-published series of line drawings by Tyler Brett chronicling every public building and some people in the town of Bruno, Saskatchewan. 

Bruno is a rural prairie town of roughly six hundred people located on the Canadian Interior Plains surrounded by a vast, rolling agricultural landscape of canola, flax, wheat and barley, about 90 kilometres east of Saskatoon. With 20th century false-front buildings servicing it's residents and surrounding family farms, this iconic small town is an enduring example of a ma & pop, locally owned and operated Main Street. Without big box department stores, parking lots or malls, downtown Bruno punctuated by a functioning grain elevator and active rail line, is the site of all street life. Some of the drawings in this series include shopkeepers or members of the community who were associated with the buildings or services depicted. Tyler Brett lived on Main Street while working for Neil Manderscheid's one man construction company and occasionally as a local shopkeeper at the Bruno Arts Bank along side his wife Kerri Reid. 

103 pp (including table of contents and 49 drawings)
10.5 x 7 inches
ISBN: 978­1­927385­456

1st edition of 60,

with rubberstamped cover page

bound, cut & printed in 2016 by

Publication Studio Vancouver  

Exhibition catalogues

T & T: False Creek  with essay by Patrik Andersson.  72 pages, hardcover, colour photos and illustrations throughout.  Features collaborative artwork of Tony Romano and Tyler Brett, co-published 2010 by Pendulum Gallery, Trapp Editions, and Other Sites for Artists' Projects.  Book design by Steedman Design.

False Creek board book by T&T.  The work of T&T reflects on ideas of sustainability, green architecture and technological progress. Their artworks frequently include elements of natural systems such as solar power and organic filters in conjunction with recycled and reconfigured technology. In their usual whimsical yet astute way, T&T, the two artists (and authors) of this book, have imagined a future in their art where the hubris of progress and civilization have been replaced by a new confident relationship between art, technology and nature reliant on an artistic and stylistic gleaning of the past. What better way to symbolize this new confident relationship then by creating a book that balances the old with the young, with a board book for both adults and kids. 

T & T: Onward Future with essay by Patrik Andersson.  80 pages, hardcover, gray cloth, colour photos and illustrations throughout.  Features collaborative artwork of Tony Romano and Tyler Brett, co-published Feb. 15, 2008 by Trapp Editions, Oakville & Ottawa Galleries. Book design by Steedman Design.

On the Nature Of Things group exhibition catalogue with essays by Patrik Andersson & Shepherd Steiner.  96 pages, hardcover, colour photos and illustrations throughout.  Published 2011 by Kamloops Art Gallery. Book design by Steedman Design.

Weathervane group exhibition catalogue with essays by Karen Love & Elizabeth May.  97 pages, hardcover, colour photos and illustrations throughout.  Published 2005 by Ottawa Art Gallery & Oakville Galleries.